Some of you may know this about me already, some of you may not. But I post post it notes around my apartment when I want something. They can be very broad - "happiness" for example. Or more specific "my back is fine" - when I was dealing with a back problem. I believe that if you're constantly seeing a reminder, or reading something, it enters your subconscious and actually takes affect. It's like the law of physics, that "like attracts like" - if you put a positive thought out into the universe, then you get a positive action, reaction, or thought back. Likewise, if you put a negative thought out "there", there's a good chance you'll continue to get negative thoughts, feedback or consequences.
My post it notes have been gone for awhile, with the exception of two in regards to money, but I just went on a spree. I now have two on my fridge, two on the wall by my front door, and four on my bathroom mirror. I'm not going to reveal what they say, but if I get what I want, and what I want is what I'm reading on my post its, then I'll let hopefully let you know soon.
In the meantime, check out
The Secret
if you haven't. It was recommended to me by one my best musician friends,
Syd, and while the design might be a little hoakey - the message isn't if you're open to it.
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