Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Painting a Picture

As promised, here's a picture from my first official Sarah Said She Would ... Do Anything! business that I've recently launched.  I've gotten a second inquiry things to good friends who referred me and my site.  Just in case you'd like a reminder, it's www.sarahsaidshewould.com and I'm still taking jobs!  AND! I can't believe I forgot to put this on my site, but building IKEA furniture is definitely something that I enjoy and a service I'd offer.

But, back to painting.  I have to give a HUGE shout out to Channing Johnson who was my first official client, but before that an acquaintance from more then a year ago.  I met Channing at a Jimmy Fund Golf Tournament, right as I was going through my "mid-life transition" - debating life, who I am, what I want, all that deep stuff that happens in your mid-twenties.  Channing is an amazing wedding photographer, check out his site, and his blog, and if you're in the market for a photographer, I highly recommend him.  Channing is just an all around stand-up guy.  We had a great conversation on the golf course a  year ago, and another great conversation while painting his dining room and living room.  So thank you Channing and Brooke, for letting me help make your house a little homier... and thanks for listening Channing!

And now,  yours' truly, painting from an artistic perspective...

A Whirlwind Week...

I've lost track of my days.  I've lost count of the hours.  I don't know what day of the week it is.  What job I'm supposed to be at.  What project to work on next.  What to have for dinner.  So many things have happened over the last week.  So many opportunities - personal and professional - have been put into my lap.  And it's the most amazing, wonderful, nerve-wracking feeling I've ever felt in my entire life.

Within the next month I think I'm gong to have news.  I'm not going to say about what - I'll try and stay elusive that way.  But there are a few things brewing that can lead to incredible outcomes.

I hope you'll bare with me and these sporadic blogs as I head through a bit of unchartered water. I think the stories on the other side will make up for the lack of detail at the moment.

Is your interest peaked? Because mine certainly is.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

With a Famous Face in Florida...

Congratulations Eric Cressey!  This picture made Boston.com, and I'm proud that it's the fiance of one of my best friends.


First Job... Check!

I had my first Sarah Said She Would.... Do Anything job yesterday! Drumroll please.... painting!!

It was fabulous.  Thank you to Channing and Brooke for letting me help put some color on your walls.  And for being my first official client.

I'll have photos to follow :)

Ok - who's next?! I also just thought of a service to add... Assembling IKEA furniture.  I love that stuff - and I'm pretty damn good at it - so if you need any support in reading the non-verbal, swedish images that make up an IKEA manual, you've found your gal.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A New Project....

In my quest for finding what it is I want to do in life, what all I like to do, what I'm good at, what I want to learn about and more, I've decided to start a new project.  My goal is that this will help me pay my rent, insurance and cable bills!, but also help me to embark and engage in new experiences and new opportunities.  I just revamped my website, www.sarahsaidshewould.com, and I would be THRILLED if you check it out.

Leave a comment, let me know what you think, and if you'd be interested in my help.  And because I believe in the power of true grass roots marketing, I'd be more then grateful if you sent the link along to any and all of your family and friends!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Project Cupid Recap....

Matchmaker matchmaker make me a match.  For charity of course.  The long awaited Project Cupid took place this past Friday evening.  As you know, yours' truly was up on the auction block and I'm proud to say I went for $80 - the second highest girl I think.  Not too shabby if you ask me.

Before I mention who the high bidder was, I'd like to first say what an amazing time I had.  The organizers did a fabulous job, the room was packed, the event raised over $4,000 for the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber, and everyone had a great time.  Thank you so much to all of my friends who came out as both supporters and as fellow bachelors.  You guys rock.  It meant so much to me seeing the hands of my amazing friends popping up on both sides of the stage to place a bid.  Friends from the Jimmy Fund, Bates, Ben & Jerry's, Game On, even friends from the local news contributed to the fun and success - it was fabulous.

While my friends were dropping bids on me, the winner was actually a stranger.  With a bright spotlight on the platform where we were auctioned, I had a hard time seeing much past the first or second row.  Likewise, those people in the fifth and sixth row probably had a hard time seeing the dance moves I was busting on stage.  Girls' gotta get the dollars right?!  After hearing "Sold, $80 dollars!" I stepped off the stage, into the crowd, and managed to meet the guy who bought me.  Surprised is the best word.  Maybe even pleasantly surprised.  Because before me stood a really cute, good looking guy, my age, nice smile, well dressed, and happy to have won! 

I'm not going to go into specifics about him quite yet, because we haven't gone out for our date.  But I'll tell you more as I learn more.  All I know is that he has my number, and he also has the gift certificate for our restaurant.  Which means, he better call! Girl wants the dinner... and the date! 

Lucky 1000!

Well, I'd like to thank all of my dedicated followers.  Whether you look everyday, every week, or you've just peeked into my blog world once or twice, I've now received over 1,000 hits at Some Girl's Blog.  While those hits aren't unique, they are certainly telling that you're coming back for more and more of what I offer, and for that, I am outstandingly grateful.  So thank you, number 1, number 26, number 300, number 1,000 and every other number who has made an impact on my page.

I'll keep the writing coming, if you keep on coming back.  Deal? Deal.