Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Painting a Picture

As promised, here's a picture from my first official Sarah Said She Would ... Do Anything! business that I've recently launched.  I've gotten a second inquiry things to good friends who referred me and my site.  Just in case you'd like a reminder, it's www.sarahsaidshewould.com and I'm still taking jobs!  AND! I can't believe I forgot to put this on my site, but building IKEA furniture is definitely something that I enjoy and a service I'd offer.

But, back to painting.  I have to give a HUGE shout out to Channing Johnson who was my first official client, but before that an acquaintance from more then a year ago.  I met Channing at a Jimmy Fund Golf Tournament, right as I was going through my "mid-life transition" - debating life, who I am, what I want, all that deep stuff that happens in your mid-twenties.  Channing is an amazing wedding photographer, check out his site, and his blog, and if you're in the market for a photographer, I highly recommend him.  Channing is just an all around stand-up guy.  We had a great conversation on the golf course a  year ago, and another great conversation while painting his dining room and living room.  So thank you Channing and Brooke, for letting me help make your house a little homier... and thanks for listening Channing!

And now,  yours' truly, painting from an artistic perspective...


  1. Sarah - great meeting you. Keep on blogging. You can connect w/ me via my blog. Stay in touch.
