Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Lesson on Ladybugs....

I was cleaning the windows of my apartment this morning, and noticed a small ladybug on the screen in my bedroom. As I moved to clean the large, picture window in my living room, I noticed two more. Intrigued by the fact that there were three ladybugs so close to each other, I looked a little harder outside - only to find several more flying around.

This got me thinking about ladybugs, and whether a grouping of them "means something" to which I then turn to the trusty internet to find out.

I might not be so interested, but ladybugs have always had a role in my life. My Mom always called me "Love Bug" as a kid (and still does sometimes...) - characterizing a Love Bug with ladybugs. She gave me small stuffed animals, often put ladybug stickers on cards she sent.

When I was in the 4th grade, my family got a puppy that we eventually decided to name Lady. Primarily because she always sat with her front paws crossed. Her nickname quickly became Ladybug - for no other reason then the fact that it just rolled off the tongue. (We put Lady to sleep a few years ago, but her picture is above...)

So after seeing this swarm of ladybugs outside my window, and after doing a little research, I come to find the following:

1. The Ladybug has a short life cycle, therefore, it teaches us "to release worries and enjoy our lives to the fullest."

2. A ladybug is seen as a messenger of promise, fearless, and bringing joy.

3. "When the ladybug appears, it is telling us to get our of our own way and allow the great spirit to enter our lives."

Call it corny, but I find meaning in everything. And after reading up on ladybugs and their perceived meaning, I think I treasure them even more. I hope the little pack of them stays near my window for awhile...

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