Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Crowns and Classic Fu Manchu...

We all have that weird family member. The one who know one really understands and avoids at all cost during family get togethers. The cliche cast of characters consist of overbearing Aunts, Grandmothers who make us ugly sweaters or disgusting "treats". Maybe it's a manic sibling, or an annoying cousin with an annoyingly perfect life.

For me, it's an Uncle. And he's just straight up weird. At my cousins' wedding a few years back, the man rocked a legit fu man chu mustache. I'm talking skinny and long, with a little curl at the end... it was gross. And weird. And my poor cousin will forever have that image in her wedding pictures. If it was done out of humor, that would be one thing, but this guy grew it because he actually thought it looked good.

I'm sure my Uncle has a number of fine qualities about him. I, however, choose not to find them because I rarely come face to face with him. Living on opposite sides of the country also helps quite a bit.

The Uncle of whom I speaking, just spent a few days with my dad and other Uncle. The three brothers went "elk hunting" in Colorado. Luckily for the elk, it was hot out, and the hard work of climbing a mountain at 9,000 feet everyday proved too much of a challenge for three 60 something brothers. Thus, their 9 day trip was cut down to a grand total of 3 days.

I checked my email last night and found a short, yet hysterical email from my dad. While I don't necessarily like the idea of hunting, I have to say the potential sacrifice of an animal or two may have been worth it just so I could have heard this from my dad: "Your Uncle managed to find a Burger King crown and wore it hunting. But I made it go away."

Ummm.... I'm sorry but what?! A crown from Burger King?

I don't like to judge. So I won't. If you knew my Uncle, you'd see the hilarity of that. But since you don't, just imagine it... A 60 year old man, with a creepy mustache and an even creepier cardboard crown on his head, yielding a huge gun while climbing a mountain in camouflage. Awesome. Rock on Uncle.

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