Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Words to Live By...

I have certain words that I like to try and remember, especially when life gets hectic and chaotic.... Like it always does... Words that I feel are important to me, reflective of my spirit, and help to control whatever situation I might be in.  Living in a new city, with a new job, new people, and new experiences, I need and want to embrace these words.  They help me, maybe they'll help you.


I will be genuine.  I will be kind.  I will trust myself, my work, my person.  I will handle any situation with grace, kindness, and patience, and I will strive for balance.

1 comment:

  1. Would you kindly have the compassion to gracefully move across the dance floor, balancing new and old friends if one such "old" friend patiently rode a plane to join you on said dance floor? just asking...
